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We Did it Again – Three-year HPCO Accreditation Achieved!

We are so pleased to share that, with the support of our staff & volunteers, and in partnership with Hospice Palliative Care Ontario (HPCO), we have achieved our second consecutive full three-year Accreditation status effective January 1, 2024!

What it is

Accreditation by HPCO assures we are delivering consistent, high-quality, well-rounded care, and indicates to health professionals, our residents and families, our donors, and our community that we are in full compliance with all industry standards.

What it all means

We’ve been thoroughly audited to ensure alignment with the Accreditation standards established by HPCO, and that we meet or exceed them. This includes creation of – and adherence to – policies surrounding all aspects of our business, (i.e. resident and family care, incident handling, clinical and legacy services, volunteer support). To maintain our Accreditation status for three years, we’ll continue to improve upon existing processes and build new ones where appropriate.

Why it matters

Accreditation is a significant indicator of our commitment to meet the highest standards and deliver high-quality hospice palliative care. It also recognizes our commitment to continuous learning and improvement; aligning ourselves to accreditation standards provides us a lens into how we’re doing, and what we can do differently or better.

Congratulations and huge thanks to our team of staff and volunteers – what a great way to start the new year!